Friday 5 March 2010

Storyboard short opening sequence

The equipment we would need to make this film is very basic but some items would be needed for example costumes, special effects, settings and so on. The equipment given by the college is:
  • Camera
  • Camera Tri-pod
  • Microphone
  • Headphones
  • Camera Bag
  • Camera Battery
  • Camera Charger

And the other equipment we have provided from our group is:

  • Fake blood / Tomato sause (Serial Killer)
  • Big rain coat (Serial Killer)
  • Welly boots (Serial Killer)
  • Ragged up shirt (Serial Killer)
  • Dark black Genes (Serial Killer)
  • Many sorts of weapons and tools (Serial Killer)
  • Big Suitcase full of clothes (Mother)
  • No specific costume except coat and jeans (Mother)


The first location, Great Barr at Toms house, was needed to get the part of the film where the serial killer has a nightmare of his past. But this location was not vital due to the fact that the only parts that will be recorded was a top view of the killer lying on his bed. There was nothing else showing in the room except the pillow and bed therefore this scene can be done at the other two locations in case this Toms house isn't available at the time. But overall the main reason we chose this site was because we were all able to reach this destination easily therefore it was be less stressful and time consuming when organising the group to meet up at this place.

The second location, Great Barr at my house (Ismail), will be used to get the scene of the actual dream of where the mom leaves the serial killer when he was a baby and also the scene where the serial killer wakes up from his dream and walks down to his basement to look at his weapons. Firstly the dream will take place in one of the bedrooms. The bedroom looks cheap and modern therefore the audience can tell that the mother of the baby is slightly poor and untidy. This will help show the audience that the serial killer has come from an unhealthy background. The other scene were the killer walks to his basement is actually taken place in a attic but to make it look like a basement we had actually modified the attic and used different camera angles and shots to the make the place feel as if you are in the basement. The reason why we have to do this will be explained below in the the third location description.

The third location was in a house where I use to work at. This house is three floors high and has been converted into flats by a house developer, but they never got around to finishing it therefore the place looks very creepy and spooky which would help establish the scene and atmosphere of the scene. The scenes that would takes place here is when the killer walks down the stairs which leads to the basement after having his nightmare. The reason why we couldn't use the basement was because it was too small and full of rubbish, but the only parts that is going to be recorded is there stairs, the reason why we wanted the stairs to be a part of the film was because it looks very scary and depressing scene. So then after the killer has walked down the stairs we

horror films

Horror films are set in irrational, supernatural worlds to distinguish them from other genres like thrillers which for obvious reasons can be confused with one another. although the horror is set in an irrational world they often have rigid rules like werewolves can only be killed by a silver bullet or vampires a steak through the heart. their are often a lack of morals in a horror, in some cases the viewers may be encouraged to identify with the 'monster' and have sympathy towards him, thus enjoying the deaths of his victims. sub genres show certain conventions like isolated settings, indistructable monster and the themes at forbidden pleasure although alot of sub genres have conventions of their own.
while thrillers or gangster films can use conventions like suspense or cliff hangers, the aim of a horror is to frighten its audience and play with their emotions which are not typically associated with pleasure. this is the reason a horror should be well researched. what is the attraction of a horror? why does the audience enjoy being scared?

Play theory - Audiences enjoy the adrenaline rush
psychoanalytic account - allows audiences to grattify repressed desires.
fantasies of power - the reading suggests that we enjoy the power of the monster and are attracted by the monster's violation of social conventions.

Horrors are some of the most financially successful films in the industry, especially in the British film industry where films are generally unsuccessful. They tend to have a medium to l0w budget (in British cinema) but still tend to make a substantial amount of profit.

the audience for a horror film is often based upon by age and gender, when thinking about the audience for a horror it is important to consider the different audience members found in the same genre or film.

Defining a genre is never an easy thing to do, genres are constantly changing throughout hybrids and sub genres. a horror can be categorized through institutions and nationality. the recognisable category British horror shows that horror films are part of a national cinema which deals with the British audience in a distinctive style.

Sunday 21 February 2010


Sunday - 5-7 (checking out location, preparing for filming)
Tuesday - 6-9 (filmed first shot, walking down hallway stairs)
Wednesday - 10:30 - 7 (filmed all shots at location in handsworth wood. shot bloody tools at ismails house)
Thursday - 6-8:30 ( filmed nightmare shots)
Sunday - 6-8 (Filmed shots with mother leaving)

Sunday 24 January 2010


Business Research

Certificate 18 films

Certificates are issued by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). In their opinion the film, video or game should not be seen or purchased by a person under 18 years old. The 18 certificate was only created in 1982. For a film to be classified as an 18 in will contain some of the following; hard drug use, supernatural horror, explicit sex, sadistic violence and sexual violence.

Until recently sexual violence and sadistic violence were not even issued a certificate and were seen as not acceptable. According to the BBFCwebsite no drugs promotion is tolerated, only films showing effects of drug misuse are given a classification. The use of bad language in films depends on the language being used; mild bad language could be given a certificate 15 but frequent bad language will be classified as an 18.

Natural nudity is allowed for all classification levels, with sexual content resulting in more restrictive classifications.

If the theme to the film is racial, sexual, paedophilia, drugs or violence it may be classified as a 15 but in most cases will be given certificate 18.

4 film ideas

A middle aged man who's mother walked out on him as a child. He is very unsociable and has no friends due to his strange nature. He was always picked on at school and became a very angry and lonely boy. Now in his 30's he keeps having dreams of when his mother walked out on him as a child and waking up crying and in a panic. It all becomes too much for him and he goes out on the attack brutally murdering women that look similar to his mom. He stalks women that look like his mother and puts up pictures of them in his basement, and one by one he murders the women, crossing them off his list as he goes along.

2. A group of six friends win a free cruise trip online. They were six excited but vulnerable people and when their ship stops off at an island for the day it all went horribly wrong for them. They got off expecting to explore the island and spend a hot day drinking and sunbathing, but this didn't occur. The ship took off leaving them stranded and without food or drink. This was not the end of their worries though as evil tribe folk that rule the island come out hunting them to slay them and eat them. They are in a race against time trying to stay alive avoiding being murdered and being the tribe folks dinner long enough till they can get off the island.
Haunted Island

A group of mates decide to go on a holiday to explore a Caribbean island. They have some people that tour them around the island. While they were exploring the island, they come across a part of the island that has a barrier around it with signs on it saying 'DO NOT ENTER, DANGER!'. They all become very curious and want to go and see what is behind these barriers, because it is pretty unusual to have barriers in a abandoned island. The tour guider tells them they can't go across and forces them to go back to the camp site. At midnight the group decide to sneak out so they can see what the barriers are blocking. When they cross the barriers and explore the place, they realise that there is nothing interesting there. But when they turn back they don't know which way they came. Therefore they are lost and look around to try and get back to the camp. When they make a move back, they will hear a someone screaming and chanting behind the brushes and trees and when this happens, one of the people in the group would mysteriously go missing. This happens continuously till the girl is left. Then later on the journey back, they would see that the group member that went missing would be either hanged up on trees, brutally slaughtered or body parts scattered around the area with chunks missing from them as if someone was eating the person. The girl who is the last one remaining fights her way out and finally meets back at the camp but then she sees that the camp has been destroyed and there is no one there. Then right at the end a spear is thrown at her which goes through her stomach which just leaves her dead on the floor.

When Ouija Board Goes Bad

Some youths aged 18 to 20 throw a party and towards the night one person pulls out a Ouija Board and persuades everyone to play it. Some people freak out and decide to leave the party, others want to play it to prove that its a fake and nothing spiritual will happen. When they begin to play the game, nothing happens so the leave the game and carry on with the party. Then all of a sudden the glass on the Ouija Board starts to move on its own. Someone sees this and tells everyone, they all begin to put there hands back on the glass to see what happens. The spirit talking through the Ouija Board begins to play games with the people such as giving them dares to do and telling embarrassing secrets. At the start its all jokes and fun, but then when a girl told the spirit that she isn't going to do the dare that was given to her, this upsets the spirit and makes him angry. All of a sudden they all are trapped in the room and all the doors are jammed. The people try to open them but it was impossible. Then the spirit gives orders to the people to torture the girl who denied the dare in order to get out the house. Then different sorts of tools beggingto appear on the Ouija Board. Everyone gets freaked out and the girl grabs a knife and runs to the corner threatening anyone that came near her. Then the glass moves on its on and gives another order telling the people to kill each other and the last person standing can leave the house. One person tries to phone someone for help but then his reception goes up and down as if the spirit was messing around with it. Then the group pick up a weapon each with some people left out with no weapons. But no one has tried to kill anyone yet. The spirit then tells them that they got 30 minutes left till they are locked in for ever. Then they all panic and start screaming at each other then the girl who denied the dare at the start gets the knife and cuts he throat which leaves her dead on the floor.