Friday 18 December 2009

Questionnaire Results

Prediction:As a group, we predicted that people aged between 18-21 would prefer the genre horror and the sub genre comedy horror. Where as the age above 21 would prefer Romantic comedy or Thriller. We also found that more people would prefer watching movies at the cinemas rather than at home, maybe this is beacuse they prefer the experience of being at the cinemas with friends, especially at a young age. At the cinemas you would find the quality of the film is better and that the sound can add to the overal scary appeal to the film. Alot of people are unsure of why horror films actually appeal to people, from our questionnaire we found that the majority of people like the horrofic scenes and the thrill of being scared knowing that actually, they are in no danger at all.
1. How old are you?Here it shows that the majority of people that answered our questionnaire was between the ages of 18-21 where as 30+ was the lowest.
2. What gender are you?The most common gender we asked to do our questionnaire was female.
3. What is your favourite genre of film?
The genre Horror was most preffered and Thriller was the least popular from the people who filled in out questionnaire.
4. What do you enjoy about this genre?
For this questions people replied:
Romantic Comedy - They enjoyed the romance, the funny jokes, nice romantic scenes and jolly music. It also puts them in a happy energietic mood.
Horror - Most mentions that they enjoyed the scary and horrific scence which had proved one of our predictions. They also said it gives them a good scare and especially like it when it makes them jump out of their seats.
Thriller - They enjoyed the storylines, plots and the characters used in the film. But they specially liked the action, weapons and cars in the film.
5. Do you watch horror movies?As you can see, there is a huge mojority of people who answered yes for this questions. This shows us that many people would want to watch a horror movie.
6. What do you enjoy about horror movies?
For this question most people answered the same as they said in question 4 for the horror part. But the people who didn't answer 'horror' for question 4 but also watch horror movies was going along the same lines saying they like the horriffic scenes and the fact that some parts makes them jump out their seats and literally gives them butterflies in their belly.
7. Do you go to the cinema to watch horror movies or watch them at home?
The pie chart shows us that the mojority of people watch their movies at a cinema. Even though the results for cinema and home were very close, it still proves another of our predictions which was most people prefer to watch their movies at the cinemas.
8. What is your favourite horror sub genre?
9. What type of characters to you expect to see in a horror movie?

Pie Charts wont publish, ill try later on.

1 comment:

  1. be careful of sweeping statements, even if it is a prediction on your part. just because you think some recent films in a genre have been aimed at a particular audience does not mean that all films within that genre are only aimed at that age group (eg horrors and romcoms aimed at under and over 21 respectively!!)research, research, research!! also, your majority respondants under 21 has skewed your results to lead you to the above assumption!
