Sunday 15 November 2009

filming of opening sequence

On the 11th of November me Jake and Ismail set out to film our short opening sequence showing we understand the basic conventions of filming... the 180 degree rule, match on action and shot reverse shot. Me and Jake have no previous experience in using a camera so decided to be the actors, Ismail however had used cameras before at GCSE level media so we chose him to film the sequence. When we set out to film we presumed it would be very easy, a couple of practice runs and then the final cut, however we stumbled across a few problems in health and safety and recording. We set up the camera to shoot the opening scene of the film in a corridor, the problem with that was lots of people were using them so we had to position the camera so we could film and people can get by. Once we found a suitable angle we began filming, we recorded a few practice shots which would later be the downfall of the day. We began filming the final take and realised we had not erased the practice runs which were spread over the clip, we had to erase the WHOLE thing and didn't have enough time in the lesson to film again, we must now film in tomorrows lesson. Hopefully we will have learned from our mistakes and use the previous attempt as a learning experience.

Filming of opening sequence attempt 2

The second attempt at filming was a success, we managed to film the sequence fairly easily and had it finished within half an hour. After talking to Paula on what had gone wrong we learnt that playing back footage confused the camera and left it recording in random places across the clip, with this in mind we got straight to work. Had we known this in the previous session we would have had the clip filmed easily. After one practice run we set out to film, without reviewing the footage back we had to match the sequences as accurate as we could. All in all there was no problems other than my bad acting to comment on, we kept it short and simple and were happy with the final result although if we had the chance to do it again we would include more complex camera angles and a better story line.

1 comment:

  1. good discussion - don't forget to link the video and upload the storyboard
