Friday 13 November 2009

Textual Analysis: Pretty Woman

For my first textual analysis i will be watching pretty woman, pretty woman is a romantic comedy set in 1990 and stars Julia Roberts and Richard Gere.

Piano song - diagetic sound (party music) we get the impression the people attending the party are well off, listen to very formal music. Lots of well dressed people, drinking champagne etc. overall we know they are people in high places.
"have you seen Edward" centre of attention. always in demand" (focus point of every conversation)

"speak to your secretary more than i speak to you" very busy man, life revolves around work rather than family. Although at a party Edward is still talking about business, this also shows he lives to work. the fact he has a secretary indicates he is of a high profile.
'Edward' posh name, could be linked to a well of family.
As Edward leaves the party the guests stop and notice his departure, he is then followed out. This again indicates he is an important man and that everybody likes him. 
lawyer doesn't want him to drive his car, this shows that Edward isn't a good driver probably due to the fact he is chauffeured everywhere. He also gets lost on his way showing he isn't familiar with his own area, pointing to the fact he doesn't drive himself.
 drives the car anyway, authority figure, whatever he says goes.

Shot of Hollywood sign. establishing setting for the film
Song we hear is upbeat, reflecting the location (city) Used to introduce us to the film and what its about. 
Establishing shot of the city. new location. introduces us to city life, drug dealing, prostitutes. long way away from what Edward is accustom to.
The bright scenes indicate Edward is comfortable in his surroundings at the party, as he ventures into the city it is dark and he is uncomfortable in the area, the city is more of a disturbing place.
Whilst being introduced to Vivienne, a new diagetic track is being played, the track has a pop feel to it and the chorus includes the lyrics "wild one" which is used to reflect the personality of Vivienne 
woken up by alarm at during the night, shows she works through the night (prostitute)
Colouring in boots (cheap, lower class)
prostitute, opposite social class to Edward, sleeps in a hotel, can't afford to pay rent.
Stereotypical prostitute (big earings, short skirt, knee high boots)
Switching between shots of each character gives us the impression they are about to cross paths.

1 comment:

  1. this could have been written in a more academic style, Tom, and it only shows a portion of your understanding. it could be improved...
