Sunday 15 November 2009

Textual Analysis: Jackie Brown

Jackie Brown is a 1997 crime film written by Quintin Tarantino, the film stars Pam Grier, Robert De Niro and Samuel L. Jackson.

The opening song is funky, has a 70's 80's style sound to it. gives us an idea of the year the film takes place in.

Film title font aslo appears to be quite 80's the use of colours and font signal hippy culture (curly lettering, yellow, red) connects with song.

the film opens with a long tracking shot of a woman, it begins very slow and relaxed with a calming  song, as the song reaches its peak and becomes more upbeat the woman begins to rush to her location, the song is mirroring the momentum of the woman as she goes from relaxed to tense. 

we know from the way she is dressed that she is a air hostess.
Well presented, nice make up and hair. Air hostesses generally have personality qualities such as a good personality, good looking, patience, good people skills and generally always happy to help attitude. We immediately get the impression the character has all of these. 

Extreme close up to bag scanner and person scanner, this is showing a significant part of the scene. Why doesn't the woman get scanned? why does she have such a large bag? it leaves us asking questions about this woman. We wonder if she is the woman we picture from her appearance, could be using her appearance as a cover up. Unsuspecting and innocent.

"Hey how you doing" we know she is recognized by the woman working on the scanner. Could have worked there for a while. Built up trust with co-workers. Again unsuspecting.

Fixes appearance before greeting passengers. Greets with a smile (innocent)

1 comment:

  1. this is very short and needs work. there are comments made that are unsubstantiated (you can tell she has the qualities of an air hostess - how exactly??) this will need ot be improved on as all it does is highlight what you have seen as opposed to really analysing the piece in sufficient depth.
